Easter Holiday Table Design

Easter will be upon us in a few days and I decided to treat you to another instructional do-it-yourself project that I enjoyed designing and photographing. This time – how to design your holiday table.

For those who follow my instructional series, you’ve no doubt noticed that I often use the Ornithogalum dubium. Apart from the fact that the flower is currently in season, the dubium is a beautiful and durable flower, which allows me to design various projects without the need for water.

I am also completely addicted to the chrysanthemum. My students claim it is my calling card. I use it in a wide variety of designs and it is primarily due to its wonderful color, adding freshness to any arrangement. In addition its soft round shape and long term durability make it a natural choice.

In addition to the flowers I also included natural motifs such as wheat and hay.

So here it is, a step by step guide to a holiday table arrangement. I really enjoyed this project and I invite you to enjoy reading, learning, and experimenting with your own holiday arrangement.

materials needed for the central table arrangement

Step 1 – materials needed for the central table arrangement:
3 martini glasses of different sizes, hay, Ornithogalum dubium, green pompon chrysanthemum, and cutter or shears.

place the dry hay

Step 2 – place the dry hay in the largest glass and place a smaller glass in the center, to create a second level.

clip the stems of about 11 dubium flowers

Step 3 – clip the stems of about 11 dubium flowers to about 3 cm in length and incorporate them into the hay of the largest glass.

Step 4 – add hay to the second level and place the smallest glass at its center. Place hay in the smallest glass as well.

second level

Step 5 – shorten more dubium flowers and arrange them at the top glass to create a repeating motif with the bottom glass.

top glassStep 6 – cut the chrysanthemum to approximately 2 cm in length and place the pompons in the middle level.
The green of this flower will make the arrangement more interesting.
The number of flowers needed – about 9 bulbs, clipped from 2 full branches.

cut the chrysanthemum

Once the central arrangement is complete we move on to the secondary arrangements which will lay on both sides of the central design.

***the number of secondary arrangements depends on the size of the table***

 secondary arrangements

Step 7 –  Arrangement of wheat and dubium bouquet for two ornamental milk jugs.
Each bouquet consists of: 7 wheat stalks, 5 Ornithogalum dubium tied with raffia ribbon

same theme as the central arrangement

Step 8 – designing a small bouquet to place on the plates with the same theme as the central arrangement
to create harmony between the elements.

Every mini bouquet includes: 3 wheat stalks, 2 Ornithogalum dubium tied together with raffia ribbon.
***the number of mini-bouquets is equivalent to the number of place settings.

raffia ribbon

raffia ribbon 2

And here is the table in all its splendor

And here is the table in all its splendor

And here is the table in all its splendor 2

And here is the table in all its splendor 3

Did you enjoy the lesson?

Did this inspire you to create your own table design?

I invite you to post your pictures below and share your creations with me.

I will also gladly answer any questions you may have.

Wishing all of us a very happy Easter!

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